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时间:2016-01-04  来源:


  • 高绪洪(Shuhong Gao) Clemson University, 美国

    报告题目(暂定)Primary decomposition of polynomial ideals 

    摘要:The primary decomposition theorem, established by Lasker (1905) and Noether (1921), is a milestone in commutative algebra. It traces back to antiques in number theory in terms of integer and polynomial factorization and is a key witness to the development of modern algebra. Algorithms for computing primary decomposition have been studied extensively since 1920s and some of them are implemented in major computer algebra systems (e.g. Maple, Magma and Mathematica). However, efficient computation of primary decomposition is still a major challenge today even for intermediate size of polynomial systems (note that it is NP hard in general). In this talk, I shall give a brief survey of the basic ideas for computing primary decomposition, including a recent algorithm of the speaker with Daqing Wan and Mingsheng Wang on 0-dimensional ideals over finite fields.

  • 胡磊 中国科学院研究生院


    摘要:密码算法是由易于软硬件实现的代数运算组合得到的离散系统。任一密码算法的输出(密文、数字签名值等)理论上均可表示为输入(明文、消息值)和密钥的代数方程组, 信息论创始人香农认为这个方程组应该足够复杂以达到密码算法的安全性。最近十五年来,肇始于多变量公钥密码的分析,代数密码分析在公钥密码、序列密码、分组密码等密码算法的分析中得到广泛应用,已成为评价密码算法安全性的主要方法。代数密码分析的基本思想是建立包含明文或密钥信息的代数方程组,然后利用各种方程求解方法恢复明文或密钥信息。本报告中,我们将主要介绍多变量公钥密码和序列密码中的代数密码分析方法和密码系统导出的代数方程组的一些特点,其中包含我们的若干分析结果。

  • 辛国策 首都师范大学

