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Conference Overview


时间:2016-01-14  来源:

The Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM) is a series of conferences which serves as a forum for participants to present original research, learn of research progress and developments, and exchange ideas and views on doing mathematics using computers.


ASCM 2007 is the eighth in the series and will be held on the 15th to 17th Dec 2007 at Grand Plaza Park Hotel City Hall, Singapore. ASCM 2007 will consist of invited talks, regular sessions of contributed papers, and software demonstrations. Research papers on all aspects of the interaction between computers and mathematics are solicited for the symposium. Specific topics include but are not limited to :

  • Computer-aided problem solving and instruction



  • Symbolic, algebraic, and geometric computation



  • Computational number theory, cryptography, and combinatorics



  • Automated mathematical reasoning and interactive theorem proving



  • Symbolic/numeric hybrid methods



  • Computational algebra and geometry
  • Formalization of mathematics



  • Computational methods for differential and difference equations



  • Mathematical software design and implementation



  • Parallel/distributed/network computing



  • System design, control theory, and hybrid systems



  • Mathematical modeling of biological and related systems



  • Scientific and engineering applications including CAGD/CAD, geometric modeling, robotics, and vision

Pre-symposium proceedings will be available at the conference in electronic form. Post-symposium proceedings are planned. The selected papers will be published as a volume in the Springer LNCS/LNAI series after the Conference.

Click here for printable "Call for Paper" information  

To download the ASCM2007 Poster = Right-Click Here , and select "Save Target As".

Previous Meetings  

The previous ASCM meetings were held in Beijing, China (1995), Kobe, Japan (1996), Lanzhou, China (1998), Chiang Mai, Thailand (2000), Matsuyama, Japan (2001) , Beijing, China (2003) and Seoul,Korea (2005).

Further information on previous ASCM symposium may be found at http://www.mmrc.iss.ac.cn/ascm.

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Kim Seng Holdings Pte Ltd


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