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时间:2016-01-14  来源:
  • 高小山 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

    报告题目Differential and Difference Chow Form, Sparse Resultant, and Toric Variety

    摘要:In this talk, I will give a survey on the recent work on differential and difference Chow form, sparse resultant, and toric varieties. Chow forms are used as canonical representations as well as coordination for algebraic cycles. Sparse resultants are powerful tools for elimination of sparse polynomial systems. Chow forms and sparse results are connected through toric varieties. Precisely, for a given set A of monomial supports, the Chow form of the toric variety defined by A is the A-sparse resultant. We will show how these results are extended to differential algebra and difference algebra.

  • 刘利刚 中国科学技术大学



  • 宗传明 北京大学


    摘要:正四面体的堆积理论是最古老的数学问题之一,其历史可以追 溯到两千三百年前的古希腊哲学家亚里士多德, 而且名列希尔伯特的23个数学问题之中。虽然历经许多著名数学家和物理 学家的深入研究,其中包括亚里士多德和闵可夫斯基的著名错误, 我们至今不知道正四面体的最大平移堆积密度和最大全等堆积密度。本报 告将介绍这一著名问题的历史和最新进展,其中包括许多计算机辅助构造 和计算结果。