May 19-21, 2004 ZhuJiaJiao, Shanghai, China
Mathematics Mechanization is closely related to disciplines like Automated Reasoning, Symbolic Computation and Computer Algebra. The name Mathematics Mechanization has its origin in The International Workshop on Mathematics Mechanization (IWMM) was initiated by Professor Wu, Wentsun in 1992. Since then, there have been five workshops of the series. The series aims at the interchange of views and ideas on the development of related subjects for the purpose of world-wide cooperations. At each workshop, one or two prestigious experts are invited to deliver plenary series lectures on cutting-edge methods and algorithms of the selected theme. It is also a forum for people working on related subjects to meet, collaborate and exchange ideas. This year's workshop IWMM04 takes as its theme "Constructive and Invariant Methods in Algebraic and Differential Equations", reflecting the important role that constructive and invariant methods playing in equation solving and applications. It will bring together the world's highly respected authorities on constructive algebraic geometry, differential algebra, invariant theory, ordinary and partial differential equations, to share their knowledge and demonstrate their ideas. SPONSORS
INVITED PLENARY SPEAKERS Wu, Wentsun Olver, Peter Sommer, Gerald Wang, Dongming Havel, Timothy Brini, Andrea White, Neil Reid, Greg Cano, Jose University de Valladolid, Spain Zhang, Hongqing
Wu, Ke & Wang, Shikun William Y. C. Chen REGISTRATION There is no registration fee. If you want to attend the tour after the conference, you need to pay 150 RMB. To register please fill out the VISA APPLICATION It is convenient to apply a tourist visa to enter China. In this case, you do NOT need any document from us. If you want to apply a business visa to enter China, please contact us. ACCOMMODATIONS The guest rooms in the conference hotel all have two beds, and the discount price during the conference is between $20 and $35 per night. We have reserved a limited number of hotel rooms. If you need a room in the hotel, plese inform us as soon as possible. CONFERENCE PLACE ZhuJiaJiao, the "Venice of Shanghai", is a riverside, quiet, historic town in the suburb of Shanghai. More information can be found at:
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