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Conference Program


时间:2015-12-11  来源:
May 23

Reception Dinner

May 24

Session 1. 
Chair: Li, Hongbo

8:30-8:45 Opening

8:45-9:45 (Plenary Lecture) Gao, Xiaoshan
Geometric Constraint Solving: Methods and Applications

9:45-10:15 Wu, Yihong and Hu, Zhanyi
Applications of Geometric Invariants in Calibration and 3-D Reconstruction 

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

Session 2. 
Chair: Long, Quan

10:30-11:30 (Plenary Lecture) Rockwood, Alyn
The Design of Smooth Genus N Shapes 

11:30-12:00 Chionh, Eng-Wee
Effects of Corner Cutting on the Dixon Determinant


Session 3. 
Chair: Sommer, Gerald

2:15-3:15 (Plenary Lecture) Long, Quan 
3D Reconstruction from Images

3:15-3:40 Wang, Quan and Chen, Ying and Li, Hongbo 
nD Object Detection from 2D Line Drawing

3:40-4:05 Zhang, Huaifeng
Metric reconstruction based on affine invariant

4:05-4:20 Tea Break

Session 4. 
Chair: Olver, Peter

4:20-4:45 Reid, Greg
Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Methods for Differential Equations and Geometric Invariance

4:45-5:10 Zhi, Lihong
Camera Pose Determination Using Symbolic-Numeric Elimination Algorithm 

5:10-5:35 Li, Yurong and Lei, Na and Zhang, Shugong and Feng, Guochen
Constructive and Recurring Method for Blending Implicit Algebraic Surfaces

5:35-6:00 Tang, Jianliang
Some Necessary Conditions of the Number of Solutions for the P4P Problem


May 25

Session 5. 
Chair: Lasenby, Anthony

8:45-9:45 (Plenary Lecture) Sommer, Gerald
Applications of Geometric Algebra in Robot Vision

9:45-10:15 Li, Hongbo
Symbolic Geometric Computation in the Homogeneous Model with Clifford Algebra

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

Session 6. 
Chair: Sobczyk, Garret

10:30-11:30 (Plenary Lecture) Lasenby, Joan
Applications of the conformal geometric algebra in computer vision and 

11:30-12:00 Havel, Timothy
Geometric Algebra and Quantum Information


Session 7. 
Chair: Rockwood, Alyn

2:15-3:15 (Plenary Lecture) Lasenby, Anthony
Recent Applications of Conformal Geometric Algebra

3:15-3:40 Hitzer, Eckhard
Conic Sections in Geometric Algebra

3:40-4:05 Buchholz, Sven
On Averaging in Clifford Groups

4:05-4:20 Tea Break

Session 8. 
Chair: White, Neil

4:20-4:45 Sobczyk, Garret and Erlebacher, Gordon                      
Hybrid Matrix Geometric Algebra

4:45-5:10 Brini, Andrea
Superalgebras, Grassmann-Clifford Geometric Calculus and Covariants of 
Skew-symmetric Tensors I

5:10-5:35 Regonati, Francesco
Superalgebras, Grassmann-Clifford Geometric Calculus and Covariants of 
Skew-symmetric Tensors II

5:35-6:00 Zhang, Shugong and Cai, Shoufeng and Feng, Guochen
Interpolations in Viewpoint of Algebra

Conference Banquet

May 26

Session 9. 
Chair: Lasenby, Joan

8:45-9:45 (Plenary Lecture) Zhang, Jingzhong and Li, Chuanzhong
Logical Animation 

9:45-10:15 Yu, Bo and Xu, Yanyan
Efficient Algorithms for Solving Polynomial Systems with Multi-homogeneous Structures

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

Session 10. 
Chair: Havel, Timothy

10:30-11:30 (Plenary Lecture) Olver, Peter
Invariants and Moving Frames

11:30-12:00 Shakiban, Chehrzad
Latent Semantic Analysis of DNA Supercoils


Session 11. 
Chair: Brini, Andrea

2:15-3:15 (Plenary Lecture) White, Neil
Applications of Cayley Factorization

3:15-3:40 Zhao, Lina and Li, Hongbo
Polyhedral Scene Analysis: An Invariant Approach

3:40-4:05 Qu, Changzheng
Invariant geometrical flow in Klein geometry and integrable system II

4:05-4:20 Tea Break

Session 12. 
Chair: Chionh, Eng-Wee

4:20-4:40 Hou, Xiaorong and Wang, Xuemin
A generalization of Xie-Nie's criterion of stability

4:40-5:00 Li, Hongxia and Zhang, Zhiyong
Portfolio Selection with Value-at-risk Constraint

5:00-5:20 Tian, Shuicheng and Li, Hongxia and Zhang, Xiao and Pan, Yuan
A Model of Multi-category Goods Transportation Network Flows
for System Optimization

5:20-5:40 Wang, Dingkang
Solving Implicitization Problem By Characteristic Set Method 

5:40-6:00 Du, Hong
An introduction to algebraic geometric invariance

6:00-6:10 Closing


May 27


visit the Terra-cotta Museum and Emperor Qin's Mausoleum


Option One: visit Hua-Qing Royal Pool and Mount Li-Shan. 

Option Two: Attend the following Open Lectures
in the Eastern Campus of Xi'an University of Science and Technology,
which is 1 kilometer away from the Terra-cotta Museum.

2:00-3:00 Lasenby, Anthony
Modelling the Cosmos: The Shape of the Universe 

3:15-4:15 Sommer, Gerald
The Geometric Algebra Approach to Robot Vision

4:30-5:30 Rockwood, Alyn
Computing the Indexes of a Vector Field; the Key to its Characterization

5:30-6:00 Informal Discussion