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Quantum Relational Hoare Logic with Expectations


时间:2021-09-13  来源:

  题目:       Quantum Relational Hoare Logic with Expectations

  报告人:    李杨家(中科院软件所)

  时间地点: 2021.9.15  15:00pm  N420

  摘要:        Following the spirit of probabilistic relational Hoare logic that was used extensively for computer-verified security proofs of classical cryptographic protocols, quantum relational Hoare logic, a logic for reasoning about pairs of interactive quantum programs, has been proposed in the literature for the security analysis of post-quantum cryptography and quantum protocols. In this talk, I present a variant of the quantum relational Hoare logic that allows us to use "expectations" in pre- and postconditions. That is, when reasoning about pairs of programs, our logic allows us to quantitatively reason about how much certain pre-/postconditions are satised that refer to the relationship between the programs inputs/outputs.
