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The CP-matrix Approximation Problem


时间:2018-11-05  来源:KLMM

题目:           The CP-matrix Approximation Problem

报告人:      范金燕(上海交通大学)

时间地点:   2018.11.09  14:00pm  N205

摘要:           A symmetric matrix $A$ is completely positive (CP) if there exists an entrywise nonnegative matrix $V$ such that $A = V V ^T$. In this talk, we discuss the CP-matrix approximation problem: for a given symmetric matrix $C$, find a CP matrix $X$, such that $X$ is close to $C$ as much as possible, under some linear constraints. We formulate the problem as a linear optimization problem with the norm cone and the cone of moments, then construct a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations for solving it.