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Counting polynomial sums in finite commutative rings


时间:2018-07-02  来源:数学机械化重点实验室

题目:           Counting polynomial sums in finite commutative rings

报告人:      李吉有 (上海交通大学数学科学学院)

时间地点:   2018.07.11  15:00pm  N205

摘要:           Let $R$ be a finite commutative ring and $D$ be a subset of $R$. For a polynomial $f(x)$ in $R[x]$ and a positive integer $k$, we enumerate $k$-subsets $S$ in $D$ such that the polynomial sum over $S$ is a given element. In this talk,  I will introduce some recent progress on this problem and its applications in combinatorics, number theory and coding theory.
This talk is based on joint work with Daqing Wan.
