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Continued fractions in positive characteristic and automatic sequences


时间:2018-05-29  来源:数学机械化重点实验室

题目:           Continued fractions in positive characteristic and automatic sequences

报告人:       姚家燕  (清华大学)

时间地点:   2018.05.31  16:00pm  N219

摘要:           For an algebraic continued fraction in positive characteristic, what can we read from its partial quotients ? Such a question is natural, since 
                       by the famous CKMFR's theorem, the coefficients of an algebraic power series over a finite field form an automatic sequence. Certain 
                       algebraic continued fractions are such that the sequence of the leading coefficients of the partial quotients is automatic. Here we give 
                       some rather general families of such sequences. Moreover, inspired by these examples, we give several criteria on automatic sequences, 
                       which allow us to obtain new families of automatic sequences in an arbitrary finite field.